The last moments of The Basque Country Internatiional Architecture Biennial.
The Basque Country International Architecture Biennial Mugak/ moves forward to its fourth edition in 2023, which consolidates as one of the most important architectural appointments of Atlantic Europe. It is organised by the Territorial, Housing, and Transporting Planning from the Basque Government. In 2023, it digs deeply into the ambition of being an open space, as a result of the cooperation of different agents, and become a meeting point with the citizenry. The goal is to highlight the importance of architecture as an element that is the backbone of the quality of the inhabited environment.
At this year’s edition, Mugak/ focuses on the motto rebuild, reinhabit, rethink. Therefore, the Biennial is introduced as a cultural infrastructure opened to the citizens and the group of actors that participate in urban life, to generate conversation and reflections that connect with the debates that are happening globally.